
Das Tränenmeer.

Two tears are better than one tear!
A word is almost as good as a tear!
When something goes up, it sometimes goes under.
When something adds up, it frequently goes up.
A sea of tears is a sea
The sea of tears is a sea a tears
A tear is a sea
A stone is a mountain rising out of the sea
Two tears are better than five stones
Twenty-four stones are better than no tears and an evil word

From the book Inserate/Advertisements 1971/1972
Dieter Roth , published by Edizioni Periferia

In 1971-1972 Roth published a series of ads twice-weekly in a Swiss newspaper, the Anzeiger Stadt Luzern und UmgebungAfter heavy protests by bourgeois readers the paper terminated publication after 248 ads. From 1973 to 1979, Roth published his statements in artist’s books as a poem, titled The Sea of Tears.