
"the individual space par excellence"

Adolph Menzel, Unmade Bed ('Ungemachtes Bett'), 1846
Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen  Berlin
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. 'Untitled.', 1991, billboard
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Mladen Stilinović, 'Artist at work', 1978
Katharina Grosse, 'Untitled', 2004, acrylic on wall, floor and various objects

According to French novellist Georges Perec the bed is "the individual space par excellence" and also the most personal and resilient of possessions: "the bailiffs don't have the power to seize your bed." (from Perec, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, p 16).
Quote and pictures from the chapter "Unmade Beds: Dwelling and Dreamspace" in Kirsty Bell's book The artist's house, from workplace to artwork (2013, Sternberg Press).