Last weekend, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent (KASK) celebrated its 260 year old birthday and for this occasion I got the chance to make an exhibition about its history. Ai ai aai, in the beginning my search into the archives of the Academy seemed endless, but eventually I came to a selection of 26 'objects' to mark 26 persons, evolutions, art works... each played an important part in its 260 year old history. Among others there are contributions by Dirk Braeckman, Napoleon Bonaparte, Jan Delvin, Torajiro Kojima, Philippe-Carel Marissal, Maria-Theresia van Oostenrijk, Roger Raveel, Raoul Servais, Lien D’Haeseleer, Frits van den Berghe, Kristof van Gestel, Victor Horta,... The exhibition can be visited until Sunday April 10 (Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun from 11:00-18:00). Jeej!
(photographs by Luk Monsart and Yana Foque)